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Rheonics STCM

Type-SR Temperature Control Modules (TCM)

Rheonics STCM is a line of devices that allow the viscosity and density measurement of static fluid at different configurable temperature points using Type-SR sensors:

Temperature Control

Control the temperature of the measured fluid with an internal heating and cooling module.

Rheonics STCM-PL Module

Temperature Stability

Keep stable the temperature of a heating/cooling fluid coming from an external source, to control the temperature of the measured fluid.

When is the STCM line useful?

Rheonics STCM devices are useful for laboratory and in-field mobile setups for the Rheonics Type-SR sensors. This allows static viscosity and density measurements or calibration procedures at specific temperature setpoints.

STCM is compact in size, similar to a standard coffee machine. The small footprint across all STCM variants added to the ability to achieve 10x better temperature stability and uniformity, are the main advantages of STCM line compared to commercial thermal chambers.

Application and Use Cases

STCM devices are designed to be used with Rheonics SRV Viscometer and SRD Density and Viscosity meter in all probe variants. The use of the STCM devices allow and are compatible with the following cases:

  • Static fluid viscosity and density measurements
  • Controlled temperature profiles
  • Laboratory setups
  • In-field mobile setups
  • Calibration verification of inline SRV and SRD sensors
  • Small fluid volume use
STCM Line Variants
STCM with Solid State Heating/Cooling Temperature ControlSTCM with Inline Fluid ProfilerSTCM with External BathRheonics in field Calibrator
Take a sample from the process and measure viscosity and/or density of the fluid. Control the fluid’s temperature with the in-built heating and cooling module.Connect the device to the line, as in a bypass, and measure static viscosity of the fluid. Control the fluid’s temperature with the in-built heating and cooling module.Take a sample from the process and measure viscosity and/or density of the fluid. Connect the BTJ to an external thermal fluid flow with the required temperature. The BTJ will transfer and maintatin the temperature to the measured fluid.Use Rheonics Calibrator along with the Rheonics Calibrator Software to do calibration reports of the SRV and SRD sensors. A sample of the calibration fluid is required.
Compatible with all Type-SR probe variants thanks to interchangeable sample fluid cylinders.Compatible with SRV and SRD G1/2” probe (SRx-X1-12G).Compatible with all Type-SR probe variants thanks to interchangeable sample fluid cylinders.Compatible with all Type-SR probe variants thanks to interchangeable sample fluid cylinders.
Variants Comparison
Temperature range10 to 150°C (50 to 300°F)10 to 150°C (50 to 300°F)Dependent on Fluid Bath
Designed for 200°C (390°F) max. temperature
10 to 150°C (50 to 300°F)
Temperature stability0.005°C0.005°CDependent on Fluid Bath0.005°C
Weight without probe9.5 kg (21 lb)9.5 kg (21 lb)6.2 kg (14 lb)9.5 kg (21 lb)
Compatible withAll SRV and SRD variantsSRV and SRD-X1-12GAll SRV and SRD variantsAll SRV and SRD variants
Measured FluidStatic in cylinderStatic inlineStatic in cylinderStatic in cylinder
Approx. sample fluid volume60 ml10 ml60 ml60 ml
Thermal ControlInbuiltInbuiltExternal from bathInbuilt