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Clamped flow tee spool piece for SR-Tri-Clamp - FTP-XXT-XXT



Rheonics FTP accessory is a tee spool piece with a shortened port for either a 1.5” or 2” Tri-Clamp Type-SR sensor. The FTP accessory has clamped inlet and outlet ports and its available in 2”, 3” and 4” sizes. The sensor port size varies with inlet and outlet size.

This piece design allows the sensor to be installed easily in line while being sufficiently submerged with a perpendicular orientation to the flow.

Sensor connection1.5” and 2” Tri-Clamp (TC)
Inlet/Outlet connection2”, 3”, 4” Tri-Clamp
Available sizes2”, 3”, 4”

Why use this part?

  • For installation in big lines.

  • Hygienic installation of Type-SR probes

  • Tri-Clamped spool allows disassembly and easy cleaning

  • Shortened port protrudes the SR-Sensor sensing element sufficiently into the flow, reducing dead zones and potential deposits.

Installation instructions

  • Use correct material, size and placement of seal gasket for sensor connection.
  • Be careful not to over-tighten the clamp.
  • For the SRD consider the fluid end orientation.
  • Downwards position is most common solution and ensures drainability.
  • Position the sensor at an angle that ensures presence of fluid. If fluid level is low and with no sedimentation, placing the sensor at lowest position in pipe is recommended.

Support articles

SRV Tri-Clamp: Overview of the SRV Tri-Clamp variant, installation guidelines, instructions, special considerations and available accessories.

SRD Tri-Clamp: Overview of the SRD Tri-Clamp variant, installation guidelines, instructions, special considerations and available accessories.

Seal-gaskets: Select the correct seal for your application.

SRV Flow Cells: Overview of flow through cell and spool piece accessories for SRV sensor probe variants.

SRD Flow Cells: Overview of flow through cell and spool piece accessories for SRD sensor probe variants.

Download files

FTP-XXT-XXTMounted ProbeDrawingCAD
FTP-15T-20TSRV-X3-15TPDF DrawingCAD File
FTP-20TS-30TSRV-X3-20TPDF DrawingCAD File
FTP-20TL-30TSRV-X3-A99-20TPDF DrawingCAD File
FTP-20T-40TSRV-X3-A99-20TPDF DrawingCAD File

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