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We are at various tradeshows, often with a booth or participating with our partners.

EventNameStart DateEnd DateFocus IndustryPlaceblog_industry_hfilterglobal_market_zone_hfilter
Anuga Food Tech 2022April 26, 2022April 29, 2022Food and BeveragesKöln (Cologne), Germanyfood-and-beverageseurope
Paint Expo 2022April 26, 2022April 29, 2022Printing and CoatingKarlsruhe, Germanyprinting-and-coatingeurope
Sensor + Test 2022May 10, 2022May 12, 2022Industrial Mixing and Grinding, Food and Beverages, Printing and Coating, Chemical, Automotive, Life Sciences and MedicalNürnberg, Germanyindustrial-mixing-and-grinding food-and-beverages printing-and-coating chemical automotive life-sciences-and-medicaleurope
World Conference on Investment Casting Expo by ICIAugust 21, 2022August 24, 2022Industrial Mixing and GrindingAnaheim, CA, USAindustrial-mixing-and-grindingamericas
AIMCAL R2R USA ConferenceSeptember 25, 2022September 29, 2022Printing and CoatingOrlando, FL, USAprinting-and-coatingamericas
AIMCAL R2R Europe ConferenceJune 7, 2022June 9, 2022Printing and CoatingValencia, Spainprinting-and-coatingeurope
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