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SLS - Request for Quote Form

Configure SLS

Select the required options for the SlurrySense self-cleaning density and viscosity meter. You can download SLS-Datasheet for an overview.(* indicates required)

Sensor Options

If you selected CUS above, specify the viscosity setpoints and accuracy required
Length for immersion in tank. User should select a length that goes more than half way deep in tank but does not hit the bottom.
If you selected LCUS above, specify the probe length required.
For custom cable and air line length - specify length in meter or feet:
Please refer to the Electronics and Communications Page for more information.

Rheonics electronics are pre-configured with the following communication options.

C1 : 4-20 mA : 3 channels of 4-20 mA analog signal

C2 : Modbus RTU (RS-485) : Modbus RTU over RS-485

C3 : USB : USB 2.0 compliant service and data acquisition port

C4 : Ethernet : Ethernet active on RJ45 connector


Please refer to Accessories Page for list of accessories and their details.

Applications & Industries

Explore how these sensors are used by other customers for your application in our knowledgebase

Ordering Information

Brief description about the application, any other requirements specific to the quote

Contact Information

Please select the option which best describes your company/organization
Please provide your contact number.

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