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inline gas LNG density meter - DVP


Ultra high accuracy simultaneous density and viscosity metering for gas, fluids

in-line, online, real-time viscosity & density metering

  • Single instrument for simultaneous process density, viscosity and temperature
  • Monitor even gas density and viscosity
  • Accurate measurement in the harshest of conditions
  • Operational to 1000 bar and 185°C (15000 psi, 365°F)
  • Full Titanium construction

3-in-1 process instrument

Density meter, Viscometer and Temperature gauge all-in-one. Small form-factor robust device.

Repeatable, Reproducible

Newtonian, non-Newtonian, Single and Multi-phase fluids

Full titanium construction

Hermetically sealed, metal-metal process sealing – no elastomer needed.

Built-in fluid temperature measurement

Excellent cross-correlation between temperature and viscosity.

Fluid measurements
Density Range0 – 1.5 g/cc
Density Accuracy0.001 g/cc
Viscosity Accuracy0.1 cP below 1 cP
5% of reading (standard)
Viscosity Range0.2 - 300 cP
ReproducibilityBetter than 1% of reading
TemperaturePt1000 (cIass AA)
Operational conditions
Process Fluid Temperature-40 up to 200 °C (400 °F)
Ambient Temperature-40 up to 150 °C
Pressure Rangeup to 15,000 psi (1000 bar)
  • The rheonics high accuracy density meter and viscometer DVP measures viscosity and density by means of a torsional resonator, which is fully immersed in the fluid under test.
  • The more viscous the fluid, the higher the mechanical damping of the resonator. By measuring the damping, the product of viscosity and density may be calculated by rheonics’ proprietary algorithms.
  • The denser the fluid, the lower the resonant frequency. A denser fluid increases the mass loading of the resonator.
  • The resonator is both excited and sensed by means of an electromagnetic transducer mounted in the sensor’s body.
  • Damping is measured by the rheonics patented sensing and evaluation electronics and stable, high accuracy and repeatable readings are obtained based on rheonics’ proven gated phase-locked loop technology.
Operating principle - inline process viscosity density monitoring control management - rheonics balanced resonator sensor technology whitepapers
Robust and Compact Gas, LNG, HPHT Density meter + Viscometer
dimensions-dvp-inline-process-density-viscosity-monitoring-control-management-small-compact-viscometer-density-meter-for oil gas petrochemicals energy hydrocarbons marine

Small Form Factor

Fits in your palm but the most robust inline process density meter and viscometer. Period.

Easy installation

Install in existing ports with threaded, flanged, and other process fittings. Available with standard threaded process fittings.

Easy integration

User friendly electrical connections without any screws. Programming needs at minimum with industry standard protocols.

Highly immune

Combination of patented mechanical and electrical design with advanced noise cancellation electronics gives high accuracy in high EMI, vibrations.

Wide Operational Capabilities

Density Range

0 – 1.5 g/cc
1 – 1500 kg/m3
0 – 12.52 lb/gal

Density Accuracy

0.001 g/cc
1 kg/m3
0.008 lb/gal

Viscosity Range

0.2 to 300 cP

Wide range viscosity for all DVP target applications.

Viscosity Range and Accuracy

0.1 cP below 1 cP
5% of reading (standard)
higher accuracy available


up to 10,000 psi (690 bar)

High pressure density and viscosity monitoring of process gases and fluids


-70°C to 185°C (365°F)

Operational to high temperature

Custom version for LNG operation (-180°C)

Fluid Types

Single phase

Not suitable for fluids with magnetic particles

Process Analysis and Acquisition Softwares
RCP dashboard - rheonics control panel - software options for rheonics density meters and viscometers - data driven optimization
Insensitive to Mounting Conditions

Balanced Resonator

Unique patented co-axial resonator. High immunity of external vibrations and shocks.

Direct Mounting in tanks/pipes

Two ends of the sensors twist in opposite directions, cancelling out reaction torques on their mounting

Extended Adapter

Insert sensor to the middle of flow in large tubes or in deep tanks. No limit to insulation depths.

Process Density and Viscosity Monitoring, Storage & Analyzer
PC_DATA rheonics control panel - software options for rheonics density meters and viscometers - data driven optimization
mobile dashboard-rheonics-control-panel-software-options-for-rheonics-density-meters-and-viscometers-data-driven-optimization.jpg

Powerful, intuitive GUI with measurement acquisition, analysis & logging.

On-device(edge), cloud and PC data acquisition and analysis

API for data acquisition and integration in customer applications

Ruggedised electronics deliver accurate, fast and reliable measurements

Sophisticated, patented 3rd generation electronics drive these sensors and evaluate their response. Ultra-fast and robust electronics, combined with comprehensive computational models, make DVPs one of the fastest and most accurate in the industry. DVP gives real time, accurate density and viscosity measurements every second and is not affected by flow variations!

Process Control

  • PLC Integration
  • IP integration
  • Standalone

Cloud based process control

  • OPC UA
  • JSON
  • TCP/IP

Edge process control

  • Analog Communication
  • Digital Communication
  • Integrated Webserver

Patented measurement system

Active ambient vibration suppression

Stable in high EMI process environments

One electronics measurement system for all product lines



  • 35mm DIN rail mount
  • Extra-small form factor for easy installation


  • IP66 enclosures
  • Onsite and remote installation of electronics head
  • Available with rugged display for field use


  • IP66 enclosures
  • Onsite and remote installation of electronics head
HT Electronics 1


  • Available for operation to 150-210 ° C
  • Built for down-hole tools
  • Only available in custom modules – 10 OTS
Multiple communication options available
Electronics communication - modbus rtu usb ethernet with display options - rheonics density viscosity meters

4-20 mA

HART Support


Modbus RTU


SD Card


Serial ↔︎ TCP/IP

Modbus TCP


EtherNet IP

Wireless support

Bluetooth LE 4.0

Multi-Line Display


Coming soon


Coming soon


Acquire data in real-time. Transfer it to your computer or upload to the cloud

Standalone IP65 rated boxes to integrate into your system.
Standard PCB to integrate in your equipment panel box.
Next generation electronics in sensor head.
Ethernet, 4-20 mA, RS232 over USB.
CAN, Profinet, HART available for custom applications.


Customise the sensor to meet your needs

Choose from a wide range of electronics, communication, temperature, accessories and process connection options. Define requirements as per your process needs and place an order.

TitleDescriptionLinkFile CategoryProductsTagsdocument_categories_hfiltertags_hfilter
Certificate – RoHS 3 Conformance

This certificate is issued as verification of compliance with directive RoHS 3


CertificatesSRV, SRD, DVM, DVP, Standard Productscertificates
Drawing – SME-TR Electronics option: E2

Drawing for SME-TR: Sensor electronics in Transmitter Housing


DrawingsElectronics, SRV, SRD, DVM, DVPTechnical Informationdrawingstechnical-information
CAD Model- SME-TRD Electronics option: E1

CAD Model (pdf, dxf, 3D step) for SME-TRD: Sensor electronics in Transmitter Housing with Display


CAD ModelsElectronics, SRV, SRD, DVM, DVPTechnical Informationcad-modelstechnical-information
Drawing – SME-TRD Electronics option: E1

Drawing for SME-TRD: Sensor electronics in Transmitter Housing with Display


DrawingsElectronics, SRV, SRD, DVM, DVPTechnical Informationdrawingstechnical-information
CAD Model – SME-TR Electronics option: E2

CAD Model (pdf, dxf, 3D step) for SME-TR: Sensor electronics in Transmitter Housing


CAD ModelsSRV, SRD, DVM, DVP, ElectronicsTechnical Informationcad-modelstechnical-information
CAD Model – SME-DRM Electronics option: E3

CAD Model (pdf, dxf, 3D step) for SME-DRM: DIN rail mount Sensor electronics


CAD ModelsDVP, Electronics, SRV, SRD, DVMTechnical Informationcad-modelstechnical-information
Drawing – SME-DRM Electronics option: E3

Drawing for SME-DRM: DIN rail mount Sensor electronics


DrawingsDVP, Electronics, SRV, SRD, DVMTechnical Informationdrawingstechnical-information

CAD model (Step File) of DVP – NPT variant


CAD ModelsDVPTechnical Informationcad-modelstechnical-information
Drawing – DVP

2D Drawing of DVP


DrawingsDVPTechnical Informationdrawingstechnical-information
Declaration of Conformity – CE Declaration of Conformity as per EN 61326-1:2013, EN 61326-2-3:2013 & EN 50581:2012

Declaration of Conformity for SME-TRD, SME-TR & SME-DRM as per directives – Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Directive 2014/30/EU & Restriction of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS2) Directive 2011/65/EU


CertificatesDVM, DVP, Electronics, SRV, SRDTechnical Informationcertificatestechnical-information
Article – Laboratory for Mechanics and Experimental Dynamics, ETH Zurich

ETH Zurich, Laboratory for Mechanics and Experimental Dynamics – Article on Dynamic viscosity and density sensing featuring Rheonics (previously Viscoteers)


PublicationsDVM, DVP, SRV, SRDTechnical Informationpublicationstechnical-information
Manual – DVP

DVP Installation and Operating Instructions


Product Portfolio – SRV, SRD, DVM, DVP

Overview of the Standard Products – Information on Specifications, Electronics, Communication, Mechanical, Dimensions, Software and installation.


Datasheets & BrochuresSRD, DVM, DVP, SRVMarketing, Technical Informationdatasheetsmarketing technical-information
Datasheet – DVP

Information on Specifications, Electronics, Communication, Mechanical, Dimensions, Software and installation.


Datasheets & BrochuresDVPTechnical Informationdatasheetstechnical-information
Interested in getting a DVP?